News items

At the recent meeting in the NSAI building the delegates from the AECI and many other Bodies in the Electrical Industry, i.e. ECA, NECI, ECSSA, RECI, ACEI etc. met to discuss
a) The implications of the planned training course
b) The content of the training course
c) The cost and duration of the training course and
d) Which Body should carry out the training course.

The stance taken by the AECI was that this training course in its present form was above and beyond the technical knowledge required to commission Emergency Lighting Systems and our feelings on this matter was strongly articulated.
This training course should now be suspended indefinitely and the NSAI should revert back to the I.S. 3217 Standards Committee with the many views put forward by the AECI and others.
We will keep you informed as this matter comes to a conclusion.

Dear Members,

At the recent meeting in the NSAI building the delegates from the AECI and many other Bodies in the Electrical Industry, i.e. ECA, NECI, ECSSA, RECI, ACEI etc. met to discuss :

a) The implications of the planned training course
b) The content of the training course
c) The cost and duration of the training course and
d) Which Body should carry out the training course.

The stance taken by the AECI was that this training course in its present form was above and beyond the technical knowledge required to commission Emergency Lighting Systems and our feelings on this matter was strongly articulated.

This training course should now be suspended indefinitely and the NSAI should revert back to the I.S. 3217 Standards Committee with the many views put forward by the AECI and others.
We will keep you informed as this matter comes to a conclusion.

Dear Members,


The Private Limited Company EPACE (Pensions and Conditions Electrical Limited Number 303017) has reported a €25,194 loss in its 2010 accounts which have recently been lodged with the CRO (Companies Registration Office). The accounts also show that EPACE received €163,343 from the CWPS (Construction Workers Pension Scheme), down from €210,699 in 2009. This payment is generated from the weekly 38 cent deductions from both employee and employer who contribute to the Construction Workers Pension Scheme.

Despite the loss of €25,194 the company paid out a total of €21,345 (Comprised of €17,345 for Labour Court Hearings and €4,000 for secretarial services) to the TEEU. The ECA (Electrical Contractors Association) also received €4,000. Wages, Social Welfare and pension costs for the two employees of EPACE amounted to a massive €98,066. The performance of the company in 2010 has eroded the amount of cash in hand in the bank from €918,814 in 2009 to €880,681 last year.

The accounts were signed off on 9th September 2011 by EPACE Director Eamonn Devoy of the TEEU and EPACE Director Joseph Conway of ECA. Joe Conway represents Jer Ryan Electrical Contractors (T/A JRE Engineering Group) A Receiver was appointed to the JRE Engineering Group in October 2011.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Important information on changes to the Relevant Contracts Tax (RCT) system from 1st January 2012. Please read carefully.

Revenue is introducing a mandatory electronic RCT system on 1st January 2012 for ALL principal contractors in the RCT system. There will be no paper RCT forms in future. To avoid any difficulties with paying subcontractors from 1/1/2012, you need to prepare for the new electronic system NOW.

From 1st January 2012, all contacts between a principal contractor and Revenue must be through an online process. You will be required to notify Revenue of details of all relevant contracts online. You will also be required to notify Revenue of each payment to a subcontractor (in advance of making the payment) to obtain confirmation on the amount of RCT, if any, to deduct from the payment. There will be three RCT rates: 0%, 20% and 35%.

What should you do to prepare for these changes?
You must be registered for the Revenue Online Service (ROS). Visit the Revenue website to register now. If you engage a tax advisor/agent/bookkeeper for RCT purposes they will need to be registered for ROS.

Principals with in-house software systems for RCT: Your system will have to be upgraded to cater for the new system. Ask your in-house technical experts or your software provider to visit the Revenue website for details (or email If you are concerned about your ability to fully comply with the new RCT obligations by 1st January 2012, contact the RCT Section in this District immediately.

Visit the Revenue website ( to find out more about the new system and how Revenue will help you with the transition.

Information sessions:
Revenue may hold information sessions nationwide, depending on local demand. Some of these sessions have already been arranged. See the attached for details of venues and how to book your place at a session. Further sessions may be arranged. An online information session will also be available. Visit the Revenue website for details.

Revenue is also writing to subcontractors to inform them about the changes. If you also act as a subcontractor, you should download a copy of the letter from the Revenue website.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Applications are invited for suitably qualified candidates for the position of:

Applicants should have experience in: Electrical Contracting Industry; Industrial Relations,
PC literate and Marketing/Sales.

Replies by post or email before Friday 11th November 2011 to: Mr. Chris Lundy, AECI, Woodview Centre,
Main Street, Celbridge, Co. Kildare or email to:

19th October 2011

LRC Letter

Ref: REA negotiations

Dear Chairman,
The AECI has in the past number of weeks pursued, at the request of the NJIC, and under your chairmanship, an attempt to reach agreement between all parties to a newly revised REA (Registered Employment Agreement) encompassing all clauses of that agreement and in particular the elements of wages and conditions.
A particular part of the discussion ranged around the issue of Non Compliancy within our Industry and to this end a separate meeting was arranged between all parties to the Agreement and NERA, the official body, charged by the Government with ensuring that wages and conditions of the REA are adhered to.
The delegates of this Association at the above meetings reported back to the Executive of the AECI on the 19th October 2011 and following careful consideration of the range and content of the discussions it has reached the following conclusion.

1. The Executive do not accept that the proposal put forward on the reduction in either;
a) Wages
b) Conditions of Employment, or
c) The methodology for setting such wages and conditions

is capable of meeting the requirements of our members and do not reflect the wage rates and conditions which are being paid by non compliant contractors and worked for by employees in the market place.

2. The Executive consider that the meeting with NERA in Carlow proved conclusively to them that the state agency NERA, at this point in time, is not in a position to defend our Members against the rates and conditions being applied both by Non Compliant Contractors and Non Compliant Electricians.

3. The Executive have therefore instructed their delegates to immediately cease these current negotiations and to pursue our Members instructions for the removal of the REA for this Industry

Article 13 of the Housing (Standard for Rented Houses) Regulations 2008