News items

As you are aware there is a new company appointed as the new SSB.

This body will trade as SEI (SAFE ENERGY IRELAND) and we had some recent meetings with their parent company SGS Ireland in Naas.

AECI will be working very closely with this new body for our Members to obtain a smooth transition and hopefully resolve any issues that might arise.

Please see below the price structure as per the Safe Electric website.

Should you have any questions to be answered please do not hesitate to contact us and we will endeavour to answer them.

New SSB – Renewal of Registration & Updated Fee Structure for 2023

January 3rd 2023

The High Court has made a decision to quash the Electrical SEO.

An appeal was made against the SEO on various grounds & in particular the issue of the eligible age for entry to the pension scheme.

CONNECT Trade Union sought to bring the pension start age to 15 years (from existing 20 years of age), AECI, ECA & others were against the change from the existing 20 years of age.

The Labour Court judges somehow made a technical error in the manner in which they interpreted this matter and the State Solicitors informed the Minister of this error,

apparently leaving the Minister with no choice other than allowing the High Court to quash the agreement.

AECI are disappointed with the outcome of the decision of the High Court and are extremely disappointed with the carry-on of the Labour Court and the Minister.

It is envisaged that a new application by Connect Trade Union will be submitted to the Labour Court as soon as possible, taking into account any flaws that have been uncovered.

The SEO was establishing some stability for both employers and employees.

We will keep you updated on this.

Electrical Trade Show is back !

We have negotiated ‘Special Rates’ at the SPA Hotel Lucan for our exhibitors and guests.
Single B&B:                €79.00 per room per night
Double or Twin B&B: €109.00 per room per night
Triple B&B:                 €129.00 per room per night
If interested in staying please contact the SPA Hotel @ 01-6280494 or and tell them you are with the “Electrical Trade Show”.

AECI Membership Rates with first year Membership

New Membership Rates for 1st year of Membership:

 Sole Trader                                               €150.00

 2-5 Employees                                          €250.00

 6-14 Employees                                        €400.00

 15+ Employees                                         €600.00


AECI Membership Rates 2019:  (No increase since)

Sole Trader:          NEW RATE 2019   €275.00

 2-5 Employees:     NEW RATE 2019   €440.00

 6 – 14 Employees: NEW RATE 2019   €660.00

 15+ Employees:    NEW RATE 2019   €895.00